Tara Davis

“As soon as I was old enough I set out into the world traipsing across a city, a country, and an ocean, all to learn how to create in a seriously fun sort of way.”

The day after i turned 19 i hopped across the pond and enjoyed two fabulous years living it up in London, England and scampered through the museums and galleries of Europe. This solidified my love for art and design, and my path was set. I returned to Winnipeg to pursue a Jewellery Arts Certificate and flew off to Toronto to study Industrial Design and Fiber Arts at the Ontario College of Art and Design. Much to my surprise and delight, I was awarded both the Industrial Design Faculty Award and the Design Innovation Award, and was selected as the student representative to work with architect Will Alsop, who designed the “table top” addition to the college.. This recognition built my confidence and further fuelled my passion to create. 

A serious case of wanderlust lead to a homestay in Thailand where I gathered silk worms, turned them in to the finest silk, and honed my weaving skills on a loom made from bamboo. I fluttered off to India and South East Asia where i learned about traditional weaving methods and sourced various treasures including hand dyed woven textiles and bits for jewellery making. On an adventure to Africa, I swapped design ideas with Masai women in Kenya, (now that was cool!), and acquired beads made from bones on a visit to a bead factory in Kibera, the largest urban slum in Africa. Jewellery making with treasures gathered on my travels totally floats my boat. 

Through all of these adventures, along with working in the service industry, I found it challenging to find the right balance between paid work and creating. When I moved to Nelson, BC in 2010, the concept of a studio boutique was born out of my desire to create, and my love of being connected with people who share this passion. I didn't like being tucked away, isolated in a studio. I like to be around people who love the creative process and delightful handmade goodies as much as I do. I knew that it was time to settle down and grow up, just little bit. The time had come to make my dream concept store of a studio boutique a reality! I returned home to Winnipeg in January 2012 after having spent two years in Nelson, BC operating the smaller, original version of this shop. I had missed Winnipeg, especially the people. The historic and artistic Exchange District felt like a natural home for the Winnipeg shop.It is also the area in which I’d previously had studio space at Artbeat Studio, The Edge, and Cre8ery. 

original shop ( Nelson, BC)

original shop ( Nelson, BC)

About the Shop

tara davis studio boutique opened at 246 McDermot Avenue in March of 2012. It has been operating with the philosophy that art and quality handmade goods should be accessible, and that community is essential. It is a place where I can create surrounded by beautiful and thoughtful goods with great stories behind them. The shop is part studio, part boutique, and part gallery, filled with delightful goodies I have hand selected from more than 100 Canadian dreamers and makers. Handmade is important - it preserves dying traditions and processes, supports local economies, makes less impact on the environment , and most importantly, it’s special.

“There is a story woven into every fibre, care sewn in every stitch, satisfaction in every brushstroke, joy in every print. Makers love making and I believe their energy carries through to the product.”

We stock a rotating selection of jewellery, cards, ceramics, socks, candy, pillows, candles, baby items, puzzles, soap, and way too many awesome things to list!! Whether it’s ‘just the right thing’ for a gift, or a treat for yourself, - we want everything you take home to be a little gem to be cherished. Connie Tamoto, former Winnipeg Free Press style columnist and all round fasionista, described the shop as “a converted warehouse space that epitomizes pretty shopping bliss”. 

Tara Davis @ Artbeat Studio

Tara Davis @ Artbeat Studio (2005)

Community Involvement

Giving back to community by partnering with local organizations and donating to fundraising events is integral to this little business .Product and monetary donations have been gifted to organizations including Arts JunKtion, MAWA, West Central Women’s Center, Main Street Project, Ka Ni Kaniichihk Prairie View, Art City, Rainbow Resource Centre and many more. Artbeat Studio, an organization that supports artists living with mental health challenges is particularly close to my heart. I lost the pep in my step as I left design school, following a diagnosis of Bipolar disorder, to move back home to Winnipeg and focus on my mental health with the support of my family. From 2005-2007 I attended Artbeat Studio where i regained my love for art making and weaving. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them, and I will be forever grateful for the work they do. It feels amazing to be able to give back to the community that has supported me and helped give me the confidence to follow my dreams.

I feel so much joy, gratitude and inspiration from the creative energy in the shop and hope you feel the same way visiting us: happy and inspired.
If you have been to the shop, I thank you with all my heart for making my, and all of our creatives, dreams come true. If not, stop by, I would love to show you around!

xo  tara


The first thing you notice when you enter the sun light filled shop is Tara's welcoming smile & warm presence. The store is a showcase for local & Canadian artisans from everything from jewellery, cards, pottery, art & crafts, to even clothing. All the pieces have been chosen with careful intention.  Everything is creatively displayed in an airy inviting space that you want to linger in and discover the story of who is the maker of your purchase. To find something unusual rare beautiful whimsical well made affordable wander into Tara Davis studio boutique. Walk away with a great gift & something special for yourself.  - In appreciation, Gio